
BioInfo group at LRI, Orsay (France)

Welcome to our BioInfo group webpage.
We are located at LISN (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique, UMR CNRS 9015, Université Paris-Saclay) in Orsay, France.

The goal of the Bioinfo group is to design and develop new computational methods to efficiently tackle true biological issues. Skills of its members cover algorithmics, combinatorics, stochastic automata, machine learning, knowledge representation and data bases. It belongs to the DataSense action line of the DigiCosme labex. It has close collaborations with the Bio-Informatique Moléculaire group at I2BC.

Its scientific programme is structured into three themes: Biological Sequences and Structures; Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology; and Integration and Analysis of Biological Data.

Lab access on "site Plaine" (ex-LRI), indications can be found on LRI website.